Saturday, February 27, 2010

i hAVE a nEW wEBsITE! aNd tHiS iSn't iT!

This is my old website and to get to the current one you will need to type in
to get to it.
For those of you who have it bookmarked, you have to re-enter the address. The bookmark will send you to this old website.

The new one also has a new proof site. For those of you who still have pictures that you have not ordered, for now they will be on this old one, were they were until I get them moved to the new one. If you need a direct link to them, let me know. Otherwise I will let you know where they get moved and will still have the same password.

Hope you enjoy the new site!

Monday, January 4, 2010

2010 Updates...

Just wanted to thank you all for a great year last year! My business has really grown!
This year I am going to be trying to keep the amount of sessions I do to about 4 a month. I love doing photography, but I also have another part time job and a family and do not want to over do it.
As of right now I am booked for January, may have one opening for february, and March is also booked right now. If I have any cancelations for those months, I will post that to let it become available for anyone.
One other change is I am going to try to stick with doing small groups of 5 or less. Especially for indoors. I don't have room at this time to do many more than that.
Also as I said below my prices will be going up a bit for 2010. I will post that with in the week.
Again thank you so much for all your business. I have enjoyed helping to preserve memories for you and especially seeing your children grow each time! I pray you have a blessed 2010!